OAFC Events and Awards Committee
The purpose of the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs (OAFC) Events and Awards Committee is to provide guidance and advice on matters relating to OAFC events and recommendations for OAFC Award recipients. The Events and Awards Committee will make recommendations on building out OAFC events (not logistics) through the staff representative to the Board of Directors. Information will then flow through the association office to OAFC members relating to matters addressed at the committee meetings.
Scope of the OAFC Events and Awards Committee
The Events and Awards Committee is expected to raise, discuss, and address issues of concern that affect OAFC members which relate to any and all OAFC events including in-person and virtual, non-OAFC fire service-related events, and make recommendations on future OAFC award winners. The committee is expected to be subject matter experts that make recommendations on agendas, speakers, themes etc. to build OAFC events. This committee will also address issues submitted to them by the Board for deliberation and recommendation.
Role/Authority of the OAFC Events and Awards Committee
Committee roles include the discussion of fire service events and OAFC Awards. Committee members are responsible for environmental scanning and maintaining situational awareness to ensure that the committee is well positioned to address emerging issues. The committee may engage in discussion, research, data collection and the review of existing or emerging procedures or guidelines. The committee may invite speakers or content experts, as approved by the Executive Director. The committee will report to the Board for further action or resolution of issues. Meeting minutes will be maintained by the appointed OAFC staff representative and will be posted on the OAFC website for member reference.
OAFC Events and Awards Minutes
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