OAFC Will Fightfire and Friends Information

OAFC Will Fightfire and Friends Information



As part of a larger strategy supporting fire and life safety initiatives in Ontario, and in support of the OAFC’s mission of leading innovation and excellence in public and life safety, we are pleased to introduce Will Fightfire and Friends Fire Prevention/Education Products and kits to the Ontario market.  

Why Will Fightfire and Friends? 

Will Fightfire and his friends are fun, yet have a firm approach to fire safety.  Since the main characters are actual firefighters, they quickly become a trusted source for safety information and messaging, and are recognizable figures that kids and adults would find in their homes and communities.
What we like the most about the product line is the flexibility and scalability it affords the fire service in Ontario.   We work closely with the creators/artists which gives us the opportunity to easily update content and messaging to meet changing public education requirements and follow current trends.  We also have the opportunity to introduce new characters based on a diverse, ever-changing demographic, and there are opportunities to digitize the characters for further public engagement. 

Why are we doing this?

  • Fire deaths are not decreasing.  As a leader in innovation and excellence in public and life safety, we must continue in new, innovative ways to increase public interest in fire prevention.
  • OAFC members are looking for new public education opportunities and new ways to engage their residents. 
  • Quality and messaging control.
  • Unlike some fire safety kit providers, our profits will be re-invested into the fire service.  We are currently examining how best to disperse those resources to make the greatest impact in the communities where you serve.
  • We are eager to promote a quality, Canadian-made product.
  • The product line is unique because of the ability to have it customized to your community.  In addition, departments can sell ad space to local businesses, allowing them to “sponsor” the materials, thus reducing the cost of the product overall and generating goodwill in the communities that you serve.  OAFC will provide graphic and marketing support to OAFC members, whom are interested in customized products.
  • Through our membership of chief fire officers across the 448 municipal fire departments in Ontario, we have a unique position to promote fire safety messaging to the public at provincial and local levels.

Why Buy OAFC Will Fightfire Products & Kits?


What Products are Currently Available?

You can find the current OAFC Will Fightfire and Friends product line and kits on our website at www.oafc.on.ca/catalog/fire-preventionpublic-education-materialskits or you can download an order form below. 

Customization Options

The Will Fightfire product line can be customized to your department and tailored to your community.  For more information on customization options, contact the OAFC board office at 905-426-9865 or email info@oafc.on.ca. We would love to hear from you!

Contact Us

If you have any questions about Will Fightfire and Friends, or would like more information on OAFC public education campaigns and promotions, please email info@oafc.on.ca.