OFC Courses

OFC Courses

OFC Courses

NFPA 1041 Fire Instructor Level 1 (hybrid)

*Please note this is a four day course - course will run Thursday to Sunday* 

This course prepares students to deliver training sessions effectively from a prepared lesson plan by analyzing and applying principles of adult education, assessing learner needs, planning lessons, and conducting evaluations. Particular emphasis is placed on the application of adult education principles in learning situations that involve fire department personnel, external agencies, and the public. In addition, students will learn to organize the learning environment with a focus on safety.

Hybrid Delivery:

Students must complete the online coursework prior to the commencement of the in-class sessions. If the online learning portion and assignments are not completed and submitted on time, students will not be permitted to attend at the in-class portion of the course. Online Hours: 20 Hours


Required Textbook: IFSTA - Fire and Emergency Services Instructor- 9th Edition

A memory stick is required, and a laptop is highly recommended for this course. Students must bring a copy of the Skills Sheets booklet located in their course materials.


There is no prerequisites for this course. 

Deadline to register: January 24, 2025

Online start date: February 13th, 2025


NFPA 1521 Incident Safety Officer (hybrid)

This course meets the knowledge and skill requisites established by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1521: Standard for Fire Department Safety Officer Professional Qualifications, Chapter 5, 2015 Edition. This 3-day course examines the role of the incident safety officer (ISO) at any situation requiring an emergency response and will define their operation within the incident command system. The student will be able to evaluate and prioritize risks while using critical thinking to analyze and mitigate hazards. Students will learn to select the most appropriate control measure to ensure the effectiveness of emergency response and enhance firefighter safety.

The program will cover the role of the safety officer including, safety, regulations and standards, and reading buildings, smoke, risk, hazardous energy, and firefighters. The course also examines triggers and traps, developing a systematic approach, and ISO responsibilities at structure fires, wildland fires, as well as technical and post-incident responsibilities. This training will allow the students to identify incident action options in a risk-based response. Supplemental scenario-based training will also allow students to apply what they have learned.

Provincial testing through Academic Standards and Evaluation (AS&E) with the Office of the Fire Marshal will be conducted at the conclusion of the in-class sessions. To receive certification, students must also complete and submit their skills sign-off sheets to AS&E.

Hybrid Delivery: 

Students must complete the online coursework prior to the commencement of the in-class sessions. If the online learning portion and assignments are not completed and submitted on time, students will not be permitted to attend at the in-class portion of the course. Online Hours: 40 Hours


Required Textbook: Jones and Bartlett - Fire Department Incident Safety Officer, 3rd Edition

Students are required to bring paper, a pen or pencil, a USB memory stick and a laptop or tablet.

Students must complete the online coursework prior to the commencement of the in-class sessions. If the online learning portion and assignments are not completed and submitted on time, students will not be permitted to attend at the in-class portion of the course.


To apply, you must have completed one of the following courses:

  • OFC - 1021  - Fire Officer Level 1 (hybrid) 
  • ASE - 1021  - NFPA 1021 Fire Officer Level

Deadline to register: January 24, 2025

Online start date: February 13th, 2025