Fire and Carbon Monoxide Hazards

Fire and Carbon Monoxide Hazards

More than 90% of all home fires are preventable, and 88% of homes have something that poses a carbon monoxide threat. People feel safest in their own home, yet that is where they are the most vulnerable. Please take responsibility for your safety and review the hazards below. You can also use the Home Fire Safety Checklist.

Oxygen SafetyHome Oxygen

Candle SafetyCandles

CO Safety Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Cooking SafetyCooking 

Electrical SafetyElectrical

Home SafetyHome Heating 

Smoking SafetySmoking, Lighters and Matches

This information is provided by the members of the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs, the Ontario fire service, the Ontario Fire and Life Safety Educators (OFLSE) committee and the Office of the Fire Marshal.  Questions regarding fire education and prevention should be directed to your local fire department.